

Printed annual report, Video


  • Consultancy

  • Creative

  • Video

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The challenge

2021 was another monumental year for Ocado, having achieved multiple goals to mark future success and signing their 10th partnership deal. 

Their story continued to evolve and that year they presented their investment case to their shareholders as 5 categories, to ensure that their proposition was clear and easy to understand. These categories are: Leadership, Speed, Resilience, Partnership and Problem Solving. 

Ocado wanted to promote their achievements under each of these categories and to share them on all stakeholder touchpoints. To do so, the plan was to transform their full-year reporting process into a digital campaign, utilising multiple aspects but in particular video and animation, whilst aligning it with their Corporate Website and Annual Report. 

Our approach

In order to transform the year-end process, a joined-up digital campaign was to be implemented. 

This would ensure that their success and key messages were consistently in the public-eye. Ocado’s network of followers on their website and social media were targeted in order to connect with an already invested audience. 

Firstly, a video storyboard was created for an animation. This would help to ensure that the overall story and each of the 5 themes were communicated clearly. From this, it was suggested that each of the 5 themes should be created as a separate shorter video to allow further explanation of the milestones achieved. This would allow Ocado to stagger their communications and ensure it is in the front of their stakeholders minds.  

The animation used within both the main video and each of the individual clips was to be the focal design point across their Annual Report. Divider pages utilise the animation and all key messages are brought to life using the colours and shapes included within the video.  

The outcome

Ocado’s digital strategy amplifies the message that the Group is a trailblazing technology-led software and robotics platform business. Online shopping pioneers, daring to disrupt by solving complex problems, to provide sustainable solutions for online grocery,

Their digital engagement strategy is connecting with a far bigger audience, and provides an ongoing opportunity that they are investing in continuously. The results lead to a huge uplift in engagement, leveraging their social media following and utilising their investor website to connect with shareholders and the broader investment community.