Dechra Pharmaceuticals


Printed annual report, Online annual report, Sustainability report


  • Consultancy

  • Wireframe

  • Graphic Design

The challenge

Dechra’s area of expertise is in the development, manufacture, marketing and sales of high-quality products exclusively for veterinarians worldwide. The Dechra story is one of great success with consistent growth over 20 years.

Both the full-year results announcement and Annual Report publishing occurred simultaneously once again in 2021. It was important to communicate their resilience and strong progress throughout the pandemic, reassuring stakeholders.

Dechra wanted to use their report as an opportunity to drive home their strong position, key strengths, consistent performance and investment proposition. They also wanted to showcase the strength of their culture and values, focusing on how this was important during the pandemic, while also communicating their ESG strategy and progress.

Our approach

After a strong performing year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Dechra wanted to ensure that the reader understood their strengths by explaining their current and consistent strategy. 

The plan was to use strategy in action examples supported with infographics to demonstrate how the strategy has driven performance and will underpin future success. 

Early in the report, Dechra signposts to aspects of content that may be of particular interest with an introduction to their purpose-led approach and ESG strategy, which takes a focus for this year's report. Information is also provided on their growing geographic footprint and their strong global channels to market. 

The outcome

Dechra’s report is introduced with signposts to key content, and information on their purpose-led approach and ESG strategy. Their strengths are highlighted upfront as an investor proposition.

 Overall, the online and printed reports use clean and engaging design. Sections are colour coded and there is a great use of iconography and graphics supporting the reader in understanding and navigating the report.

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